How Is A Panic Attack Defined?

By Greg Anderson

A panic attack is a time when the body experiences extreme anxiety, feelings of fear, and sometimes pain which come on with little or no warning. Panic attacks are unique among anxiety related issues because they happen so suddenly and can be so damaging.

Approximately three million people living the the U.S. are stricken by panic attacks every year. Often people are not sure what is going on since they have not experienced this before and they are scared they might be suffering a heart attack or close to death.

People who don't know what a panic attack is, and do not realize they are experiencing one, may therefore fail to get proper treatment for their panic attacks due to lack of awareness. Panic attacks will not typically stop unless they are treated.

Panic attacks can cause a multitude of problems, and tend to get progressively worse if not treated. While symptoms vary with each person, some of the most common components of a panic attack include: Sudden onset of unexpected fear and panic, cold sweat, heart palpitations, inability to breathe, dizziness, feeling faint, and physical discomfort or pain.

Because having a panic attack is such a horrible experience, a lot of people are terrified to have another and this fear launches even more panic attacks. To stop the cycle of panic attacks, proper treatment must be undertaken right away.

Sometimes doctors prescribe drugs to patients who suffer from panic attacks in an effort to lower their anxiety levels. Unfortunately, these drugs are pretty difficult to take and have some fairly nasty side effects of their own, such as inability to stay away, and becoming disoriented. There are some non drug based programs that can really get panic attacks under control, and using a program like this is preferable.

Ideally, panic attacks should be handled by utilizing a program that gets inside the brain, where panic attacks originate. Programs such as Panic Away use a psychologically sound technique to help the brain to understand how to deal with and completely eliminate panic attacks. Some of the program tips are so simple that they can be used immediately with success.

It is not realistic to expect panic attacks to resolve themselves. It will take some action in order to achieve a real cure, but it is quite possible to do so with some of the programs available today. - 30437

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Relief from Panic Attacks

By Eric J Thomas

The world today is full of stressors for the common man and woman. Work, family, and financial problem abound leading to stress on the mind and body. This overwhelming pressure can bring about anxiety and even panic attacks.

Lessening the stresses in our lives is the main thing we need to do, so that the anxiety and panic attacks won't happen. Taking on too many responsibilities can cause possibly disastrous results. Panic attack could be brought on.

A person's heart is capable of taking only so much. It can be seriously harmed by an over amount of stress. This anxiety brings on high blood pressure, bad eating habits, along with panic attacks. Heart disease often happens as a result of this, which can then bring on a heart attack. Another symptom associated with anxiety is sleeplessness. Not enough sleep can cause serious health problems.

Panic attacks can accompany anxiety. This malady is the paralyzing fear that something awful may occur. This may be felt physically. Sweating, shaking or shivering, nausea, dizziness, and the strong desire to flee are some of the symptoms. This is the "fight-or-flight" response, multiplied, and is usually unfounded.

One very simple and conscientious exercise you can do when a panic attack begins is breathing. Begin by drawing air into your lungs slowly through your nose, hold it a second or two, and release it slowly out of your mouth. Repeat this several times, with your eyes closed. Try to relax your shoulders and arms. Remind yourself that this panic attack will not last long and there is nothing bad happening.

You may do exercises that relax you at home. There is music available for purchase at music stores or for download online. This music is usually very soft and organic and sometimes has a person speaking in a soft and reassuring voice guiding you through a mental and physical relaxation technique. When a panic attack ensues, you can use this as a tool to bring it under control.

Discussing the problem with someone could also be beneficial. If you have a trusted friend or someone else you can visit or call, then do. Going over thing verbally with someone who is understanding often times can relieve not just the stress but the anxiety that may follow.

It is also important to practice positive thinking. When you wake each day assure yourself that you can handle any stress that comes your way that day. Starting the day off with a positive attitude can strengthen you against what problems you may encounter today. Panic attacks don't always have a unknown cause they can stem from depressed thinking patterns which can bring on failure.

Search out counseling that does not include medication can bring you relief. Many professionals are available in various capacities to help you manage not only your anxiety but also your panic attacks. Cognitive-behavioral treatments actually have been used for a long time and have helped many people. This therapy works by allowing the patient to identify personal behaviors, and other things that help to create stress and also anxiety in their lives. Hopefully this therapy will make the patient understand how their own conduct and lifestyle affects their anxiety.

Do not suffer with panic attacks anymore. Many treatments and techniques exist to help one through anxiety and any panic attacks, and no medication is needed. - 30437

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EasyCalm Review

By James Hayden Rayburn

EasyCalm is a 10 part video series designed to help anxiety and panic sufferers to completely eliminated future episodes. It was developed by former anxiety sufferer Jon Mercer, when he decided he was bored with letting his attacks control his life like they had done for 20 years. The informative videos were show you the steps you want to take in order to get back control over your life.

In his videos, Mercer shares the one reason people become concerned in varied situations. You'll learn really elementary strategies to stop experiencing panic attacksand the easiest way to stop them from ever returning. The effective thing about videos is it isn't just something you read and sit on a shelf, without ever putting the methods in the book into effect. With videos, it is like having someone sitting in the room with you, educating you on the difficulty you are having, and ways to solve that problem. Mercer personally walks you thru the steps of recovering from anxiety in each of his videos.

One good thing about Mercer's program is that it is available for download to your PC the moment you purchase it. This is nice because you don't have to wait for a DVD to come in the mail. You can get started right away. The only problem I have with this course is that, while it would be superb for visible learners, I had rather get a book to read. Information has a tendency to sink in better when you read it, rather than just having it told to you, as it is in these videos. Plus, these videos cannot be printed out for me to see outside the PC like a downloadable book is. If you like not to read, this may be the program for you.

Mercer is so sure his program will work for you that he gives you the chance to watch the 1st session for free on his website. The entire series, roughly 3 hours and twenty mins long, is backed by a 100 percent 8 week refund. If you're not satisfied by his videos and techniques, you will receive each penny of your $97 back. Mercer's site for EasyCalm also provides contact information for the writer, and he personally answers the emails. You'll also receive 3 bonus gifts when purchasing EasyCalm. - 30437

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What Are The Causes Of Panic Attacks?

By Greg Anderson

The precise causes for panic attacks is largely unclear, and can vary by person. While certain factors can make a person more susceptible to panic attacks, there is not a specific medical or psychological issue causing panic attacks: The cause can sometimes be as individual as the person experiencing the panic attack.

One of the leading scientific theories today states that panic attacks may possibly be caused by an improper trigger of the body's "fight or flight" mechanism. When this is triggered, panic attack reactions are quite typical. What is unknown is why the "fight or flight" response would be triggered at random and inappropriate times. Fear of having this random response is one reason that many who suffer from panic attacks are seized by an almost crippling fear when they think about facing more of them.

While precise causes may be unknown, it is known that some people are at an increased risk for experiencing panic attacks. Heredity appears to be a factor since panic attacks tend to run in families. The stress related with major life changes such as graduation, getting married, starting a new job, having a baby, divorce, or losing a job can sometimes tend to trigger panic attacks as well.

Some specific medical problems, and medications, may be causative factors in panic attacks. Should you start to suffer from panic attacks, especially if you have never had them, any potential medical causes need to be investigated prior to treatment.

The medical problems that might be related to panic attacks include the following: Mitral valve prolapse, hyperthyroidism, hypoglycemia, stimulant use, and withdrawal from medication.

Panic attacks which stem from diagnosed medical problems can often be eliminated or at least controlled much better by the alteration of drug doses or substitution of drugs where possible. There are other changes that your doctor may ask you to make to help control medically related panic attacks also.

If you suffer from panic attacks which are not medically related, then they can be controlled with the use of a sound psychologically based program. Since a program like this, such as Panic Away, works by first eliminating the crippling fear of future attacks, it puts you in a position of power over your own panic attacks and gives you the tools you need to beat them. Panic Away does not use drugs, hypnosis, or any kind of dangerous techniques. The methods are simple, and can be used at any time.

Because this program works only on the specific brain areas that cause panic attacks, you are able to be in control and make certain you don't have to deal with unexpected attacks any more. - 30437

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What Are The Symptoms That Indicate a Panic Attack?

By Greg Anderson

The symptoms that indicate a panic attack is taking place can differ by person and most of the time there are more symptoms than just panic. Feelings of being scared, alone, and in severe pain also come along with panic attacks for many who suffer from them this debilitating illness.

Some people who suffer from panic attacks have several of the following symptoms but not others, and it's not uncommon to experience additional symptoms over time since panic attacks worsen if not treated.

The DSM IV, the manual of the American Psychiatric Association, states that panic attacks will commonly start with a time of extreme fear, which is then accompanied by a minimum of four of the symptoms that are listed below. All five symptoms must be present during this time.

In order for the panic attack to qualify as a medical panic attack, the symptoms will have reached their high point inside of ten minutes.

Other Panic Attack Symptoms

Usually some of the other effects of a panic attack are some of the following: Heart pounding, sweats, chills, overheating, having breathing issues, feeling of choking, chest pain, feeling of nausea, abdominal pain, dizziness, feeling like insanity is setting in, and numbness or a tingling feeling in the extremities. These symptoms may be simultaneous or may happen in rapid succession, it varies by person.

Due to the fact that panic attacks are such a horrible experience for millions of people, these attacks can really keep you from even being able to live a normal life. If you are a person suffering panic attacks, treatment is important and in fact necessary.

Regardless of how severe panic attacks are, it is possible to get rid of them for good. A smart approach will involve a program using brain psychology such as Panic Away. Methods like the ones contained in that program can help you to understand the origins of attacks and stop them. - 30437

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Cure Panic Attacks The Fast And Natural Way

By Marie Cooper

Nowadays, plenty of people in the world are silent sufferers of panic attacks that can come without any warning of signs. They often spend a large portion of their life avoiding any possibility that they might be caught in situations where an anxiety attack strikes them. Situations such as meetings, public speaking, driving, hanging out, etc.

Panic attacks are actually caused by adrenaline being released into your bloodstream. It is trigger by fear signals sent to your adrenal glands, convincing your mind that there is an emergency at hand.

When this happens, your heart pumps blood at a faster rate. While on one hand this increase in blood can make some athletes run, jump or swim faster, it can also be extremely paralyzing for others. A panic attack stops when your brain stops giving out an emergency signal to your adrenal glands, and it stops producing adrenaline.

So, how to cure a panic attack, you may ask? There are 4 simple steps that you can take that will curb your panic attacks before it renders you an emotional wreck.

1) Breathe deeply and try to relax You first need to take deep slow breaths. Do so to calm yourself down and keep breathing slowly and steadily. This will cause your body to relax, which is the first step to stopping the production of adrenaline in your body.

2) Stop thinking negative thoughts If you keep thinking negative things, your brain will focus on the negative aspect of your situation. Stop thinking of the possibility of a panic attack, but instead do a pattern interrupt. In your mind, shout "STOP" or maybe even do it aloud if your situation permits. The purpose of this is to stop your negative loop and break out of your negative mindset.

3) Use empowering statements Remember, the next time you find yourself getting a panic attack, instead of thinking negatively, try to think positive thoughts. Tell yourself it's just another panic attack, and will be gone very soon, and you will feel empowered.

The next time you feel yourself going into panic mode, just remember these 3 simple tips, and you will see how effective they can be. - 30437

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Cure Panic Attacks With This 1 Simple Technique

By Marie Cooper

Nowadays, plenty of people in the world are silent sufferers of panic attacks that can come without any warning of signs. They often spend a large portion of their life avoiding any possibility that they might be caught in situations where an anxiety attack strikes them. Situations such as meetings, public speaking, driving, hanging out, etc.

Panic attacks are actually caused by adrenaline being released into your bloodstream. It is trigger by fear signals sent to your adrenal glands, convincing your mind that there is an emergency at hand.

When this occurs, your heart will be pumping blood at a faster than normal rate, and although this is what causes some sports athletes to perform better, it can be very paralyzing to other people, causing them to stop functioning properly.

Some may be asking, what are the ways to cure a panic attack? Well, there are 4 easy methods that can help to stop a panic attack before it escalates.

1) Breathe deeply and try to relax You first need to take deep slow breaths. Do so to calm yourself down and keep breathing slowly and steadily. This will cause your body to relax, which is the first step to stopping the production of adrenaline in your body.

2) Stop negative thoughts Whatever your mind focuses on, it will be. If you keep focusing on your impending panic attack, it will only escalate the problem. Instead, stop these negative thoughts by doing a pattern interrupt. Shout "STOP" in your head, or even aloud if possible. This breaks the negative loop cycle and is capable of stopping your panic attack almost instantly.

3) Using empowering statements The next time when you encounter a panic attack, instead of thinking "Oh my goodness, I'm having another panic attack, help!" try changing your statement from a negative to a positive "It's just another panic attack, it will return to normal in a few moments if I just relax and breathe deeply."

The next time you feel yourself going into panic mode, just remember these 3 simple tips, and you will see how effective they can be. - 30437

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What is an Anxiety Attacks?

By Julie U. Stevenson

Your heart is racing, feeling like it is pounding out of your chest. Your throat feels tight and you are having difficulty breathing. Your stomach rolls with nausea. You find yourself fighting to hold down your lunch. All of this is accompanied by an overwhelming fear. You feel out of control, like death is just around the corner.

Even though it doesn't always feel this way, this is a panic attack. If you've experienced any of this, you may be one of many who have a panic disorder. It's important to understand that a panic disorder is a category of an anxiety disorder. While the number may seem small, 2-3% of anxiety sufferers are affected by this condition. However, around thirty percent of the patients may experience panic attacks at some point.

The truth is panic disorders are misunderstood. We don't know how they come about exactly, or even what makes someone like yourself susceptible to them. Then again, we do know it appears in the teenage years and early adulthood. Oddly enough, more women are hit with panic disorder than men.

The symptoms won't always be the same between each individual either. In fact, some situations last a few minutes while others can last for 30. If you're wondering if what you're enduring is a panic attack, then you need to look at the symptoms. They are anything from chest pain, breathing difficulties, the feeling of doom or shaking and trembling to, nausea and vomiting, hot or cold flashes, or feeling faint. The important issue is that they come out of nowhere.

Sufferers may begin to avoid the activities or places that they associate with their panic attack. In some cases, they may become agoraphobic, scared to leave their own homes, preferring to remain in comfortable, familiar surroundings. However, this doesn't always resolve the problem. Left untreated, panic disorder can have a widespread effect on not only the sufferer, but others around them.

After all, the research that has been done, there have been findings of potential causes. All it takes is the individual to have a bad experience, and then harbor the potential bad things to come.

You will find that there are several treatments for panic disorder. Whether or not they're the right one for you remains to be seen. For instance, if you head to the doctor and they prescribe anti-depressants, they probably won't work. In fact, they've pretty much been proven not to work. Instead it's more like they freeze your emotion, and come with side effects and possible addiction.

Since medication of that nature is out the window, a natural approach might be your best bet. Having the proper rest, exercising, and changing your diet may play a major role in controlling and reducing your anxiety disorder. Heck, just getting 8-10 hours a sleep can reduce anxiety by 50%. You can find some good self-help books on this and other natural benefits online.

Some experts believe that stress can play a role in panic disorder. Exercise is an excellent stress reliever. In addition to relieving stress, exercise helps you maintain a healthy body weight, necessary to keeping hormone levels in balance.

Food is another important area. The research over the years suggests that some foods increase anxiety. Some things you might want to stay away from are coffee, dairy products, refined, sugar, honey, and maple syrup. The best thing to do is keep a food log.

Relaxation is also key. When you are relaxed, anxiety and fear are diminished. Your nerves are more stable and you are better able to handle situations you may be faced with. Yoga and meditation can help soothe your spirit. Some patients have found aromatherapy helpful in relaxing and keeping stress at bay. Bergamot, chamomile, lavender and ylang ylang are all well-known for their calming properties.

Granted, it's possible this won't cure your panic disorder. However, it can reduce and control your panic attacks. The idea is to have as much of a normal life as you can. - 30437

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Naturally Overcome Panic Disorder Using 5 Simple Methods

By Julie U. Stevenson

Many people will experience anxiety at some point in their life. Generally, people will experience one or two and not have to worry about any others. For other people, living in fear of having another panic attack has become the normal thing because they have had so many horrific experiences with them.

You should always talk to your doctor when you are experiencing an issue with panic attacks; however most people find that natural remedies work great. Panic attacks do not go away; in fact they tend to worsen over time if they are left untreated.

It is important that you seek treatment immediately if you think you have a problem with panic attacks. This is not a condition that heals itself. Many people think that the panic attacks will just go away and this is simply not the case.

Most often panic attack present themselves with very little warning. Although panic attacks come on suddenly, for most people they leave suddenly as well. It is important that you discuss your panic attack with your doctor; however many people have found that natural remedies for panic attacks see to work best. That is because they don't have the side effects that prescription drugs have.

Books Can Be Useful

Some panic attack suffers find that self help books are useful. Some people have attacked a stigma to these books, that they are only for crazy people, but this is not true. Many people find them to be a great resource, such as those who suffer from disabilities, mental health disorders and illnesses.

When you are picking out a self help book you need to find the one that works best for you. Testimonials can be helpful in selecting the perfect self help book. The internet is a great place to search for testimonials on self help books. You can also find testimonials inside of different books as well. If you find that one book has fantastic testimonials then you might be wise to check the book out.

When choosing a self help book you should find out as much information as you can about the author. Oftentimes you can find the authors resume inside of the book. If you do not find it there, do some research on the author. Find out what makes him or her an expert on panic attack disorders. Use the web to look up information on different self help book authors. If you find that the authors resume is impressive then the book is probably worth purchasing.

Get Some Exercise

While you may already know that daily exercise is good for your physical health, did you know that it is great for your mental health as well? Making sure that you are getting in at least ten to fifteen minutes of daily exercise is a great way to make sure that you are reducing your chances of having another panic attack. The exercise will help to release built up energy and anxiety that just sits there within you throughout your day.

Proper Diet

A poor diet can lead to many illness and diseases. It can also make panic attacks worse. Improving your diet will not stop panic attacks from occurring; however changing your diet for the better can make panic attacks easier to deal with. Cut back on caffeine and excessive sweets. You should try to eat fruit vegetable and lean proteins every day. You should also consider taking a once daily multivitamin, especially if you do not get the nutrients needed to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Keep Yourself Busy

There is no reason to sit around and wait for a panic attack to present itself. It is important that you stay busy and keep your mid active. Take your kids to the park, cut the grass or run the sweeper. This will allow your mind to have less idle time and it will decrease your chances of having a panic attack.

Breathing Exercise

Breathing exercises can help when it comes to panic attacks. You can use them to help you when you feel a panic attack coming on. Many people find that breathing exercises are most effective during the onset of a panic attack. Breathing exercises can be useful in the middle of a panic attack.

These exercises can help bring you out of a major panic attack and when used as soon as you start to feel as though one is coming, you can actually deter it from happening.

Many people are tempted to begin using medication for panic attack. Most medications on the market for this condition come with a long list of nasty side effects. It is important for those who suffer from panic attack to find out how to deal with them on their own. - 30437

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Panic And Anxiety Disease - Symptoms, Treatments And Cures

By Cindy Callaway

We all wish to be in a healthy state of mentality. But most of us undergo one illness or the other. One of the most terrifying disorders is Panic and anxiety assaults. Generally, panic attacks are quite unforeseen and impulsive phases of great fretfulness when one feels various discomforts. These attacks are not at all easy to manage. We can say that it is a terror of not being able to come through a bad state of mentality. These attacks are positively very tough to handle for all. So, you need to take appropriate precautions and cures if you are suffering from such a disease.

Further in the article we are going to talk about the symptoms, treatments and cures of anxiety disorder. First of all, let us talk about the symptoms. Always keep in mind that these symptoms may last up to 30 minutes and these are fairly recurrent as well. Some of the symptoms of anxiety disorder are:

1. Swift heartbeat.

2. Harsh chest pain.

3. Severe stomach ache or abdominal pain.

4. Extreme nausea.

5. Unreal distortions.

6. Unidentified fear of death.

7. Deadness all over the body.

8. Feeling very weak and unable to respire properly.

9. Muscle pain.

10. Hot flushes.

These are some of the most dreadful symptoms of anxiety disorder. Now, let us discuss about the treatment of anxiety disorder. It is very essential to get a proper treatment of anxiety disorder. If you want you can heal yourself from many sorts of anxiety disorders. First of all, you need to study the reasons behind your stress. You should also keep a proper check on your work schedule and office timings. These are some of the important things that you must always remember.

You need to consider proper ways to bring cheerfulness in your life. Avoid rage and extreme emotions. You can also go for some vacations with your close friends. You can also seek proficient advice from different doctors and medical professionals. Some of the curing methods that you might opt are: medication, or behavioral healing. There are fundamentally two types of therapies for you to choose. They are: exposure treatment and Cognitive-behavior therapy.

Exercising, hypnosis and relaxation are also wonderful methods of getting rid of these problems. These are also proven methods of busting trauma and Hassel. This article could definitely help you a lot. Have fun and enjoy yourself! - 30437

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Panic Attacks - Anxiety and Panic Attack Treatment Options

By Greg Anderson

Anxiety is a severe problem, and one of the most serious of the anxiety symptoms are panic attacks. Anxiety and panic attacks can vary in severity, but it is common for them to grow more frequent and more overwhelming as time goes on. If anxiety is not treated, it will not resolve on its own, and in fact ignoring the problem will usually cause it to accelerate even more rapidly. Finding a treatment method that works for you is essential if you are to get past anxiety.

Finding the treatment that you feel comfortable with is very important in the treatment of anxiety. There are several effective options available, and it is just a matter of finding the one that is the best fit for your situation. If you find one treatment ineffective, you will likely find another an ideal solution. There is something out there for every patient.

Feeling good about the treatment that you choose is a very important part of your success, and it will help you to deal with anxiety the best way possible.

These are the most often used methods of treating anxiety:

Medications Prescribed for Anti-Anxiety

A large number of medications are designed to treat anxiety. These drugs are primarily found in the benzodiazepine family, and include such medications as Xanax, Valium, and Ativan. Some other drugs are not designed exclusively for the purpose of treating anxiety or panic attacks, but do have the side effect of reducing anxiety levels, such as anti-depressants. Generally these drugs are taken as needed, but sometimes are taken on a regular schedule so as to reduce constant anxiety problems.

While drug-based anxiety treatments can be helpful there are two major drawbacks. Firstly, drug treatments address the symptoms of anxiety but not the root causes of anxiety. Secondly, there is a high risk of becoming dependant on (addicted to) some commonly-prescribed anti-anxiety drugs.

Hypnosis - Hypnotherapy

Many patients consider hypnosis an excellent drug free option for the treatment of anxiety. Hypnotherapy fights anxiety by using deep relaxation to allow a person to be open to sharing the causes behind the anxiety. Hypnotic suggestion is then used to make the brain respond to those causes in a different way.

Unfortunately, anxiety tends to prevent hypnosis from working in many cases. Anxiety sufferers have a hard time allowing themselves to be "put under", due to the fear of losing control. Hypnotherapy does not tend to have a high success level in dealing with panic attacks. Hypnotherapy will usually not be enough to combat panic attacks unless it is accompanied by another aggressive method of therapy, such as CBT, aimed at eliminating the panic attacks.

There are some self-hypnosis techniques that, when used in a calm and safe atmosphere, can help deal with anxiety. However, these are not effective treatments for panic attacks.

Treatment Using Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is used in the treatment of anxiety and a number of other conditions. CBT works by seeking out improper thought patterns and retraining them. Since the way that a person views a situation is altered, it is possible to also alter their reaction to it.

Cognitive therapy for anxiety and panic attack sufferers typically involves exercises with timetables to ensure progress but it can be a lengthy process. However, it is an anxiety treatment that safely and effectively addresses the root causes of anxiety and provides a lasting, usually life-long solution. - 30437

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Panic Attack Treatment

By Waheed Lamidi

The real reason for panic attacks is still not fully understood but the thing which is understood is that this can happen to anyone, devoid of any purpose, regardless of age meaning a perfectly healthy person has an equal possibility of experiencing such an attack as a person who is depressed and unhealthy. An episode of panic attack can happen when you are at your house, sitting on your recliner, watching television, when driving, browsing or walking, at your office, etc., and can actually occur while you are asleep.

In these circumstances, methods of treatment could change from individual to individual, dependent upon their physical condition, ailments, lifestyle, and frequency of attacks. Generally though, therapy involves psychotherapy, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and/or meds though other treatments that can be used are meditation, breathing exercises, relaxation techniques and herbal treatment.

Anti-anxiety medicines like Ativan, Xanax and Klonopin supply fast respite from the panic attack symptoms. Benzodiazepines render instant results, normally within 30 minutes to an hour, these however are, highly addictive and feature some intense withdrawal side effects. Anti-depressant drugs (Paxil, Prozac, Zoloft, Lexapro, and Celexa) ought to be taken continuously before you begin to notice the results, normally around six months or even a year but, you can't use anti-depressant drugs only in an attack. In addition, since you cannot anticipate when you will have that kind of an attack, just the ones that are diagnosed with the panic disorder (or constant attacks can obtain these sorts of medications.

Panic attacks, as well as panic disorder, agoraphobia and other phobias and similar ailments may be addressed efficiently using psychotherapy. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is proven as an effective way to lower the symptoms of these attacks or eliminate this condition. CBT specializes in changing the thinking pattern of the person from negative thoughts to positive thoughts in addition to changing the way in which an individual functions or acts as he runs into emergency or circumstances that can set off a panic attack.

Another intervention similar to CTB which is worth mentioning is exposure therapy which aids the individual in overcoming their dread though permitting them to confront those fearful situations in a controlled and secure way. The end result of the method is that the person learns how to act positively on the things he believes are perilous circumstances - more specifically, through this experience, the patient learns that the circumstances that he is afraid of aren't detrimental and dangerous.

In many cases, medication alone or therapy alone is enough to completely cure this ailment, however different cases call for both treatment techniques to adequately treat panic complaint. Meditation, breathing exercises, and relaxation methods were found to be efficient in lowering the odds of encountering an additional panic attack as they help calm the mind and relax the muscles. Constantly doing those routines and methods will strengthen the body's relaxation response.

Natural herbs such as bacopin, ginkgo biloba, passion flower, St. John Wort, hyperforin, 5HTP (5-hydroxytryptophan), chamomile, rhodiola, are almost as efficient since they have organic anti-stress features. In some cases, utilizing those herbs is sufficient enough to combat attacks and lots of individuals react positively utilizing that kind of treatment. Fresh leaves could be turned into tea with some available OTC in oil, infusion, capsule, powder and tea. The best thing about those organic herbs is that they do not yield any side effects when held in comparison to standard anti anxiety and anti depressant prescription meds. - 30437

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Persistence - The Big Key for Success

By Pascal Athlo

Perseverance helps in building a strong character. It makes you mentally tough and ready to face challenges that life throws at you.

When you view the lives of successful people, you will notice this trait is common in almost all of them. These people have a lot of persistence when it comes to pursuing their goals.

You will find that most successful people faced a lot of odds and obstacles on their way to success. They faced criticism and ridicule from people.

Many people laughed in their faces when they initially failed in their efforts. Yet, these people believed in their dreams. They continued to pursue their dreams.

You will find that these people simply refused to give up. They overcame frustration and disappointment, yet carried on. Rarely will you find someone successful who does not possess this quality.

Successful people really go after their dreams with full vigor. They do not let initial failures affect them too much. They have learned the skill of continuing despite failures.

They strive to achieve what they have set out to achieve. They will keep on fighting every obstacle coming in their way. They will show utmost resistance to hurdles and will not buckle up.

Such a kind of persistence does require strong will power and mental toughness. It requires courage and a strong determination. Meek people will easily give up long before they can come near their dreams.

Failures will usually try to find excuses and will complain about problems coming their way. But who can escape from problems and disappointments.

Successful people too had problems coming their way. But they did not behave the way these failures did. They did not start complaining or give up on their dreams.

Instead of that, they faced problems head on and tried to solve them. They may have failed many times before finally achieving success. Each time they failed, they adjusted their strategy a little and started again.

In order to be successful, you need to learn how to manage stress and anxiety as it will crop up every now and then. You might face situations where many would panic and run away. Are you sure you can handle such situations? - 30437

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Mini-Steps to Overcome Panic Attacks

By Pascal Athlo

Panic attacks usually occur suddenly when you don't expect them. During such times, you will be ill-prepared to handle them.

You might be busy with some work or might be having fun with friends. Suddenly, you get a panic attack!

You may find yourself become fearful of engaging in those activities in which panic attack struck.

Good news for you is that, the even, place or activity may not have anything to do with the happening of panic attack.

So, you do not need to avoid those situations or places. You can go on living as usual.

If you live as usual and don't let panic attacks hamper your life in any way, soon they will lose their power and will stop troubling you.

The initial courage may be the difficult to muster up. For this reason, do not try to take big steps to tackle your problem.

Take small mini-steps in order to tackle and overcome panic attacks. If you are afraid of going shopping, then don't go alone. Take a friend with you who is fully aware of your problem.

Keep with you any anti-anxiety pills you might be taking (ofcourse with doctor consultation). This would help you feel a little more comfortable to visit those places where you fear another panic attack.

Just don't try to go alone. Trying to become too brave all of a sudden may backfire at you. Be patient, and try to take little courageous steps in the right direction.

Keep reminding yourself whenever you can that panic attacks are not dangerous. You get a feeling as if you are about to have a heart attack. But that is just a feeling - you are not having a real heart attack.

I haven't come across reports of people dying from panic attacks. So, it is safe to assume that they are not dangerous. We only perceive them to be.

You will feel a little safer in this knowledge. You will now know that even if another attack happens, it will soon end up and you probably won't be hurt in the process.

So start taking baby steps which help in increasing your courage. Try, little by little, to attempt things which you dread. But make sure not to go for big things now.

After some time, you may no longer fear panic attacks. At this point, they may fade away on their own!

Avoid taking pills or medication for this problem, as much as you can. Consult a doctor before taking any pills, and only take them when absolutely necessary.

It is better to opt for natural treatments or behavior therapy in order to overcome panic attacks. These kinds of treatment are better in the long run as pills can cause health problems. - 30437

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The 2 Keys to Overcoming Panic Attacks

By Pascal Athlo

There are many people suffering from panic attacks. Even though, this problem is quite harmless, but it has to be treated.

The reason is that panic disorder severely affects a person's life. It makes the person fearful of facing common situations and meeting people or visiting new places.

Therefore, it places severe restrictions in a person's life and has a huge impact on their profession and relations as well. That is why, this problem should be treated at the earliest.

The longer a person suffering from panic attacks, the more difficult it might seem to get rid of this problem. But this is not so.

You can prevent panic attacks and eventually get over them by following simple tips and strategies. Every person's case might be slightly different, but here are few general tips which can apply to all individuals.

1. Exercising is important: Exercising is very important for our physical and mental well-being. This is more important in case of people suffering from panic related problem.

When you mention exercises, many people imagine that they have to workout in a gym for an hour or more. This is wrong assumption.

Exercise can be anything which causes a little physical exertion, but not too much. Walking, jogging, skipping, swimming can all be counted as excellent exercises.

Choose an activity which you enjoy so that you can continue with it for longer periods of time. If you are fond of swimming, then do it on regular basis in order to derive great benefits from it.

2. Relaxation is the key: You need to learn to relax and handle everyday situations in a stress free manner. The more stress you take on yourself, the more difficult it gets to relax.

Whatever is troubling you - you have to find a way to deal with it in such a manner that it does not cause undue stress for you. Learning to relax in the face of pressures and problems is a big gift of God.

Study those individuals carefully who can handle stress easily. Watch them in their day to day interactions and observe how they behave and handle pressures.

You can learn a lot from such individuals by being in their company and watching them. You might subconsciously pick up a few of their good habits.

There are a lot of other things you can do to relieve stress like relaxation exercises, meditation, indulging in your favorite hobby, socializing with friends etc. Choose whatever activity you find most effective in releasing your stress and getting your mind off your worries.

If you can follow the above 2 tips persistently, you may find that anxiety and panic disorders are soon becoming a thing of the past. - 30437

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Tips On How To Stop Panic Attacks

By John Knight

Panic attacks, as a type of mental sickness, can terribly become not just a discomfort but to a certain extent a serious glitch to living normally and peacefully. The trouble with this mental violence is that people misguidedly depend on medicines and drugs that they believe can produce magic into their brains. That is mistaken. They merely grant temporary comfort. Thus, it is best to get to the bottom of this and determine how to stop panic attacks at last.

One must be equipped with sufficient knowledge about the nature of these attacks. It is even best to assess one's lifestyle in relation to these attacks. Thus, anticipation and preparation is very important at this juncture. Next, one must learn how to manage oneself in instances where an attack ensues.

The most reliable and effective way of controlling panic attacks is to inhale and exhale. By slowly breathing in and breathing out you will calm down while more and more oxygen is pumped into your mind and body. With that, the claustrophobic feeling brought by anxiety and panic slowly lightens up. And then the body responds by cooling down other senses.

Another good way to cool off the individual under attack is to literally cool him or her down. That is by feeding him ice cold water in the mouth or by applying ice cold object on his or her hand so that he or she will feel distracted from the issue. Likewise, experts would advise on refocusing the mental perspective of the person from the matter that espoused the panic attack.

Skilled and specialized help on how to stop panic attacks are imperative especially when the same is unmanageable. Specially trained and competently tested, they can supply assistance for the individual in determining certain issues and in patching them up. These issues may include vivid memories full of shock or pain, or even qualms about people or things or events. And when these issues are recognized, concerns expressed, the individual can free his or her mind and be able to handle them self-confidently. - 30437

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How To Cure Anxiety: The Steps

By John Knight

Thomas Kemp poses a question, what else does anxiety about the future bring you but sorrow upon sorrow? There is a quote which says that anxiety is the rust of life, destroying its brightness and weakening its power. True, many of us commit the palpable error of perturbing ourselves too much about the future and the complexities of life. This is one of the bases for anxiety to come about and thus become all too disturbing. Thus, there is dire necessity to understand how to cure anxiety and keep a joyful and care-free life.

It is important first and foremost to undertake a careful and in depth look into the circumstances surrounding the stress related experience. Most of these stress related experiences relate to domestic problems, employment struggles, financial difficulties, marital woes, and family grief. So, it is vital to inspect into these issues, identify them one by one. Emphasis here is one by one in accordance with timeliness and priority, not necessarily altogether for it to be realistically controllable.

Then it is likewise essential to plan out a time for relaxation. This is important for relieving stress since the body and mind occasionally needs opportunities for rest in environments filled with tranquility and quiet. But there are simple modes of relaxing, and not necessarily all too expensive vacations or leisure activities. The common relaxing mode is by inhaling and exhaling slowly, which helps pump more oxygen into the head and give more of it to the body. This effectively calms down anxious people especially when confronted by a difficult situation.

And of course, it is indispensable for a stress-free and worry-free life to have time for fun and excitement. Now this is the real score. There are lots of ways to recreate and have a good time. You can play sports, like ball games and stuff. You can exercise and work off those fats. And you can simply take afternoon strides at the park or walk your dog around your alley.

These physical movements help to secrete these so-called endorphins which pump up good vibes within your body for you to handle stress with a confident and chin up attitude. At any rate, the key here is to keep a healthy balance of everything, between work and play, and between stress and fun. That is the solution on how to cure anxiety: keep that balance of everything! - 30437

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Two Tips On How To Stop Panic Attacks When Driving

By Mary Patrickson

Those suffering from panic attacks often have their life grind to a halt because of them. They may not be able to participate in some of their daily activities. Staying home and not dealing with life is sometimes a better option for those suffering bad panic attacks. They can begin to "lose control" over a lot of things when they suffer a panic attack after all.

In some cases people lose control of their bowels and have to stay in the bathroom until it is over. Many times a panic attack may feel like a heart attack; the person may be unable to breathe, the chest feels tight and races.

being behind the wheel of a car is the worst time to have a panic attack. Stopping panic attacks while driving is a common question for those who suffer form them. This is because they would like to keep themselves, and others on the road, safe.

Some Tips On How to Stop Panic Attacks While Driving

If you are having a panic attack while driving there are some tips to help you stop it. What are these tips?

Tip 1 - Prevent An Attack/ Seek Outside Therapy

The best tip for anyone trying to stop panic attacks while driving is prevention. Seeking help form a therapist to try and discover the reason for your panic attacks is the first step. Once the trigger has been identified, the person will know how to stop panic attacks when driving by using relaxation techniques that the therapist has shown him or her to do. Once calm, the person can look for a place to stop for a time until the panic attack has completely ceased. No doubt this is how to stop panic attacks when driving for everyone's safety on the road.

Tip 2 - Pull Over

It is sometime not possible to remain calm enough to pull over when having a panic attack. So it's important to stop the car before a panic attack takes full hold. They should pull over to the side of the road and turn on their emergency lights. Once the vehicle has stopped, they can concentrate on keeping the anxiety at bay before the attack gets too bad.

Why is it so hard to stop a panic attack when driving when the person has all the tools they need? Concentrating on driving and the panic attack at the same time make sit more difficult. Not only do they have to worry with the anxiety and potential panic attack, they have to worry about the roadway and everyone else on it. What's the best way on how to stop panic attacks when driving? The most assured way is to find a safe place to pull over and then do the breathing and relaxation exercises discussed with their physician. - 30437

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How Do You Cope With Anxiety Attacks?

By Kathy Nelson

Love is meant to be a happy emotion, yet it can also be one of the prime drivers behind a persons anxiety attack. You may see your ex love at a social event and it would be perfectly normal to have some level of anxiety in that situation but when that anxiety builds up and up until it makes you worry over every detail of your evening then it is time to realize that it has become a problem.

Anxiety attacks always have a trigger event, the problem is that the trigger event may not be an obvious one. If a tiger comes up to you, then it is easy to work out what the trigger event was for your panic attack. Some people's triggers are not so obvious, they can be far more subtle and may even require a series of events to happen.

In times of perceived danger your body will pump various chemicals into your system, these are designed to speed up your reactions and make you more alert. They are part of the system that has kept us all alive for a long time. The downside of this is that they can also trigger an anxiety attack in people who are unprepared or not used to them.

Our body is a very complex mixture of muscle, fat and lots of other stuff that includes various chemicals. Some of the chemicals are designed to give us boosts of energy and make us more alert at times of fear or even stress. Some people don't handle these situations as well as others, so they experience a anxiety attack.

If you know what sets of your panic and anxiety then you can steps to either eliminate that item or situation from your life. If you are unsure of what causes your anxiety and panic attacks then you will need to go through a process of elimination. This may require the assistance of a trained medical professional. - 30437

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Disorder Of Panic Attack and Its Natural Treatment

By Waheed Lamidi

The primary reason for panic attacks is still not completely comprehended but what is known is that this could happen to anyone, devoid of any purpose, indiscriminate of their age which means a happy and healthy person has an equal possibility of experiencing an attack as someone that is suffering from depression. A situation of panic attack could occur as you're at home, sitting on your recliner, observing television, while driving, shopping or strolling, while at the office, or any other location, and could actually happen while you are asleep.

In these situations, techniques of treatment may change from individual to individual, dependent on their conditions, ailments, way of life, and how often the attacks occurred. Typically however, treatment involves psychotherapeutics, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) or possibly medication although other therapies that might be employed are meditation, breathing exercises, relaxation techniques and natural herbal therapy.

Anti-anxiety medications like Ativan, Xanax and Klonopin give fast redemption from the symptoms panic attack. Benzodiazepines render immediate effects, usually within 30 minutes to an hour, these however are, highly habit-forming and have some intense withdrawal side effects. Anti-depressant medicines (Paxil, Prozac, Zoloft, Lexapro, and Celexa) ought to be consumed continuously before you begin to notice the effects, usually up to six months to a year but, you cannot take anti-depressant drugs only in a panic attack. Additionally, because you cannot predict when you will have that kind of an attack, just the ones that are diagnosed with the panic disorder (or constant panic attacks could obtain those varieties of medications.

Attacks, in addition to panic disorder, agoraphobia and various other phobias and similar ailments may be addressed efficiently using psychotherapeutics. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is established as an efficient method to lower the effects of these attacks or eliminate this complaint. CBT specializes in altering the thought process of the individual from negative thoughts to positive views in addition to altering the way in which an individual functions or acts when he runs into emergency or situations that can trigger a panic attack.

Another intervention similar to CTB which is worth mentioning is exposure therapy which aids the individual in overcoming their dread though permitting them to confront those fearful situations in a controlled and secure way. The end result of the method is that the person learns how to act positively on the things he believes are perilous circumstances - more specifically, through this experience, the patient learns that the circumstances that he is afraid of aren't detrimental and dangerous.

In many cases, medicine by itself or therapy by itself is adequate to fully treat the condition, but other instances call for both of these techniques to effectively treat panic disorder. Meditation, breath exercises, as well as relaxation methods have been found effective in lowering the chances of encountering an additional attack as they will both soothe the mind and will even relax the muscles. Constantly doing those exercises and techniques would boost your body's relaxation reflex.

Herbs like bacopin, ginkgo biloba, passion flower, St. John Wort, hyperforin, 5HTP (5-hydroxytryptophan), chamomile, rhodiola, are nearly as effective since they contain organic anti-stress properties. In some cases, using these herbs is good enough to fight attacks and many people respond well utilizing this kind of treatment. Fresh leaves could be turned into tea with a few available over-the-counter in oil, tincture, capsule, powder and tea. The best part about those natural herbs is that they do not yield any bad outcomes as held in comparison to standard anti anxiety and anti depressant prescription medicine drugs. - 30437

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Three Basic Treatment Tips To Heal Anxiety Attacks

By Sara Heins

When you are having a panic attack, it's not easy to handle. The entire experience can be quite scary and you can be absolutely miserable during it. All you wish is the problem to go away. If your panic attacks are so bad that your life appears to be disrupted each time, you can feel embarrassed and feel like you are losing complete control of yourself.

Many people don't want to feel like their panic attacks are controlling their life. For many, however, that is exactly what it feels like. Panic attacks can be quite debilitating. There are several great tips for you to help your panic attacks should you be one of the many people who feel this way.

Panic Attacks: Easy Tips

Tip 1 - Hereditary

To accept that panic attacks might be genetic is vital. If you believe this is you, the first tip for panic attacks advises you to contact your family and find out if anyone in your family has ever suffered from panic attacks. Once and if you do find someone related to you who has suffered from panic attacks you should contact a doctor about the condition.

Tip 2 - Deep Breathing/Meditation

Breathing deeply and meditation is a good tip for those suffering from panic attacks. When you can breathe deep and relax, you help your body to get the oxygen it needs to deal with the stress better. Medication might not be the answer for someone for any number of reasons. Instead, using more natural means like breathing and meditation work much better than drugs.

Tip 3 - Don't Ignore Attacks

Its I best not to ignore the problem, that's the best tip for someone suffering panic attacks. If you try to ignore them then they can led to more troubling situations like insomnia and depression. Ignoring panic attacks can led to a situation where a person is unable to continue living their normal life. Even doing simple things can become impossible.

How To Use This Information

Why is it that panic attacks are so terrible? It can be argued that the speed of a panic attack make it so terrible because you are often unable to prepare. But remember that the fear of a panic attack can actually bring one on. Having several tips in mind becomes more important for this reason so that you can try to prevent them.

Why do we have Panic Attacks?

Sometimes panic attacks occur due to a brain disorder. Others times they occur because of physical symptoms. For instance phobias, or having a fear triggered by something, can cause a panic attack. Having tips on hand to prevent and deal with panic attacks, again, is therefore important.

While there are only three tips for panic attacks mentioned, these are the most significant tips for panic attacks that a person can have. If you act now you can ward off other attacks in advance. So get moving on them as soon as possible. - 30437

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6 Effective Tips On How To Manage And Lessen Stress

By Pamela Yolanko

Everyone has some stress in their life. It does not matter how hard you try or how much you avoid, stress finds us all. Everyday stress is a bigger problem for someone suffering from panic attacks. Since stress is so draining, it can cause a person to deal with a multitude of mind and body disorders. What are some stressful medical problems a person may be subjected to? Some include:

- Anxiety attacks - Dizzy spells - Muscle cramps - Nervousness - Sleeplessness - Tension

Stress can also have devastating effects on a person's heart, immune and nervous systems.

Research stress management articles to gain insight on how to deal with stress

How To Deal With Stress Tip 1 - Discover The Stressor

Stress management articles obviously touch on a lot of ways to deal with stress. The first thing you have to do in order to manage stress is discover the thing that is causing it. After that you can begin to deal with stressful events by dealing with it regularly.

How To Deal With Stress Tip 2 - Laughter Is the Best Medicine

Stress is often best handled with laughter, as is said in many stress management articles. With so many possible stressors in your life, it's best to take each one with a bit of humor. When you can laugh at what stresses you out, then you can think clearly and maintain some peace of mind. But, as some Stress management articles have said, laughter not only relaxes you mentally but can have a great physical advantage as well. How can it help? Some examples are:

- Boosting immune functions - Cleansing the lungs - Ease stress hormones. - Increasing muscle flexion - Improving body's blood circulation - Improving cardiac conditioning - Improves well-being - Endorphin release

How To Deal With Stress Tip 3 - Doing Yoga

Yoga is often suggested as a way to combat stress in stress management articles. A lot of yoga positions and breathing help to relax the body and mind. However, you need a quiet location and a comfortable sitting position to start the yoga exercise.

How To Deal With Stress Tip 4 - Get A Break

Another thing stress management articles suggest is to move away from things that cause you stress for a while. When you get a break, you can get back to the problem at hand with a fresh perspective. Do something that you find enjoyable such as:

- Going for a walk - Listening to music - Playing with your kids - Reading a book - Relaxing in the tub - Swimming - Watching television

How To Deal With Stress Tip 5 - Talk With A Friend

Talking with someone you trust is often "stressed" as a good way to deal with problems by stress management articles. When you have a support system you can lean on, you can deal with the stress much better. An important activity, according to stress management articles, is to write down your stress triggers so friends and family can understands what's causing the problems.

How To Deal With Stress Tip 6 - Change How You Deal With It

By changing how you react to your specific stressors will result in how you feel both physically and mentally according to many stress management articles. Do not overreact to Stressors, instead try to remain calm.

The library is a great place to find stress management articles. However, don't forget to do a search on the Internet for stress management articles too. Stress management articles can work as guides to help you deal with stressful situations. - 30437

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Panic Therapy Revealed - How To Stop Panic Attacks

By Harwood Canfield

There are dozens of "how to stop panic attacks" programs available and they all claim to provide the best panic therapy plan. As a result, it's difficult to know which can give you the most for your money. This article will eliminate the sub par programs and narrow down the choices to include only the top rated ones which will make it easier for you to come to a good decision.

We have focused on self-help techniques for controlling anxiety and panic attacks and have included only those programs that are most effective. A very brief summary is shown for the top three programs, but links are provided below for additional information for each.

#1 Recommendation: "Panic Away" (5 stars)

Panic Away is the best overall guide to help stop your panic attacks. One of the more interesting aspects is its unique One Move technique that effectively eliminates fear, panic and anxiety attacks.

#2 Recommendation: The Linden Method (****1/2)

It's only because of its higher price that this product is listed at #1. The content is top-notch and it includes easy-to-follow guidelines. There are both audios and videos to guide you every step of the way.

#3 Recommendation: "Panic ... Anxiety Gone!" (4 stars)

People who do not want to rely on medicinal methods will especially like the 4-step holistic system of this product. One of its strengths is the way it guides you to develop your own panic attack prevention plan.

There is no single product that is best for everyone, and each of the above products have pros and cons. We recommend that you take a look at the full, in-depth reviews of each of these programs. You're only a click away from enriching the quality of your life... - 30437

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3 Effective Methods For Treatment For Panic Attacks That Happen When Sleeping

By Sara Heins

Most people know that panic attacks generally occur during the daytime hours. But panic attacks actual occur at night as well. There is hope through treatments geared toward panic attacks in the overnight hours. How can you have a panic attack at night?

People can wake up in the middle of the night or in the morning with panic attack symptoms. Even without reason people cam wake up in the middle of a panic attack. They may have chest pains, feel dizzy or be lightheaded. A fast heartbeat and restricted breathing is also common. Waking up during a panic attack is its own special nightmare and sufferers can feel like they are losing control, or even dying. It is a very terrifying experience to wake up like this.

What Causes Nighttime Panic Attacks

What do you do to stop nighttime panic attacks? Actually, it isn't that much different than treating them when a person is awake and having panic attacks. The problem with overnight panic attacks is that a person cannot easily identify the stressor that is causing the problem as they can during the daytime hours. Nighttime attacks are often brought on by things that are causing sufferers stress in the daytime like a loss in the family, injuries and accidents as well as problems at work. Whether the panic attack happens at night to during the day the best thing to do is remain calm.

How To Prevent Nighttime Panic Attacks - Three Treatments for Panic Attacks When Sleeping

Treatment 1 - Self Massages

Giving yourself a massage is actually a great treatment for night time panic attacks. It is also a good idea to have a massage first thing in the morning. When a person has a massage, their body becomes further relaxed, which allows them to handle stress that creeps up into their sleep whether it's through dreams or their subconscious.

Treatment 2 - Techniques for Relaxation

Learning relaxation techniques that involve breathing deeply can also help people suffering from night time panic attacks. Breathing correctly involves using your diaphragm rather than one's chest, and relaxation techniques teach you how to do this. Air is breathed in deeply and breathed out the same when breathing properly. By doing this correctly you focus more on your breathing then on your rising panic and it helps you calm down. The treatment, when done right and before you go to bed, helps you stay calm during the night.

Treatment 3 - Meditation and/or Prayer

The third way to treat panic attacks at night is to meditate before going to sleep. Why does this help? This makes you more relaxed and also puts you in a positive frame of mind before getting into the bed. - 30437

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The Causes Of Anxiety Attacks: Considering Both Physical and Emotional Facets Of The Disorder

By Pamela Yolanko

People who suffer panic attacks often wonder what about the causes behind them. Unfortunately, there is not one simple answer to this question but many answers. Fear of the unknown often takes pride of place on the list. It is only natural, after all, to get a little worried about things that you don't know. The body also goes through number of changes that make the fear worse. Fear can grow to such a high degree that it eventually obscures all else and brings on a panic attack.

How To Combat The Causes of Panic Attacks - A Look at the Physical and Psychological Side of Panic Attacks

To look at the cases of panic attacks it is very necessary to consider the physical and psychological aspect. When learning all the information it is a good idea not to become overwhelmed by it. When the symptoms arise, for what looks like out of nowhere, it's vitally important to not become beleaguered by those symptoms.

So what's the answer to handling the causes of panic attacks? The answer is within you in fact. You must empower yourself to deal with the symptoms of panic attacks when they come about. What is causing the panic attacks?

Causes of Panic Attacks - Phobias

irrational fears, or phobias, are often named as a cause of panic attacks How do we get phobias? It's often associated with a distressing event that makes a huge impact on you and how you live your life. When something reminds you of the incident in your past the fear is realized in your own head once more. If panic attacks are cause by phobias the only way to eliminate them is to eliminate the phobia.

An example of past experience phobias:

Driving down the road you see that the red light but vehicle in front of you isn't stopping. In an instant your car is thrown form the road without even a second to think about it. You're scared, angry and hurt. Once recovered you eventually go back to driving. Despite this you feel like you are nervously waiting for it to happen again. The fear, it seems, comes out of nowhere. This is a driving phobia.

Biological reason behind panic attacks

Panic attacks are not only caused by phobias. There are biological reasons for them as well. A lack of Vitamin B or healthy foods in a diet can lead to some people suffering panic attacks. Medical issues other then a poor diet can also cause panic attacks. Here are some examples:

- Hyperthyroidism - Hypoglycemia - Inner ear problems

Other Reasons Behind Panic Attacks

Panic attacks are not cause by things other than bad diets and terrible memories. They can occur for other reasons as well. Drug withdrawal, medicine and alcohol consumption can also bring on panic attacks. Those suffering from hyperventilation syndrome can also begin to have panic attacks. An unexpected death of someone close to you can also cause panic attacks.

Panic attacks can be caused by many things as has already been said. But there are five main reason behind panic attacks. These include:

- Hereditary reasons - Lack of brazenness - Lack of proper nutrition - Pharmacological triggers - Phobias

It is very important to seek help right away and find out the cause if you begin to suffer panic attacks. - 30437

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Dealing with Anxiety Symptoms

By Julie U. Stevenson

Any moment we talk about anxiety symptoms, it's important to understand that thousands of individuals deal with this problem. The 3 challenges that they must deal with are the psychological, and emotional symptoms. Each one of them comes from unnecessary worrying, unrealistic fears, or even continual irrational thoughts.

When you have to deal with this every day, it's very annoying. The most important thing you can do is learn to deal with the stress that occurs from all the worrying, fear, and racing thoughts. So right now we're going to discuss about each specific area and try to help you manage each one better. In order to do this you have to be able to identify each one.

Emotional Anxiety Symptoms

The psychological symptoms connected with anxiety directly relate to the "cognitive" situations that happen during the course of experiencing the thoughts, fears and worries that are upsetting to an individual. The following represents the challenges commonly experienced by peoples enduring this type of situation:

Obsessive Thoughts- When you deal with mental images, you tend to zone out for a bit. If this occurs every once in awhile it's not something to worry about, but if it comes about on a regular basis it's something to try and control. Whether you're continually troubled about the doors being locked or worrying over your performance at work, anything similar should be taking care of at accordingly.

Fear- Everyone experiences some sort of fear in their life, but those with anxiety symptoms have it happen much more often. Maybe you want to prevent incidents from your past, terrified about the problems you will endure in the future, or any self-induced problems come from this obsessive condition.

Memory Issues- If you endure anxiety symptoms in this ground, it can be expecialy annoying. Difficulties that make it awkward to think, or failing to recall crucial information can be unfavorable to your career and family life. Add various degrees of confusion and the incapability to sort out data properly will have you understanding this is an anxiety issue.

The Idea of Doom- This is an area that also revolves around obsessive thoughts.

Suppress Memories- It's important to understand that these problems happen unintentionally. Over time, anxiety can cause a lack of memory. This is extremely annoying for everyone suffering from anxiety symptoms.

You have now been introduced to the 5 Significant Anxiety Symptoms that everyone must be aware of. However, it is important to know and understand that there are emotional Anxiety Symptoms as well. Many will actually place these symptoms in the category of "psychological", but they are truly unique to themselves. Examples include experiencing depression and varying degrees of sadness due to the fact that the anxiety is being experienced.

If they disassociate themselves emotionally and physically, some of the zones will be unrealistic. The three emotional factors are fear, panic, and terror. Whether it's you or somebody else who is dealing with these problems, you have to link each one as it should be. Once you're capable to do this you can start to overcome each one. In the end it will be easier to deal with your anxiety symptoms.

Emotional symptoms are not the only kind of symptoms to consider. There are also physical symptoms witch in some cases, can be extremely scary. - 30437

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Information Is Key To Managing Anxiety Attack Symptoms

By Sandrin Jenkins

Why is it that panic disorder symptoms are so scary? It's because the symptoms vary from one person to the next and may encompass a variety of things. Bad symptoms can ever fool people into believing they are having a panic attack. The fact that not everything they feel leads to a panic disorder causes people to treat the problem the wrong way. How can a person determine what constitutes panic disorder symptoms?

Find Out The Symptoms of Panic Disorders

Research is the first thing you have to do if you suspect a panic disorder. If you want to know what panic disorder symptoms you need to be on the lookout for, then you need to research them up. If you find yourself having some, most or all of the symptoms then you know that you will need to get help for panic disorder symptoms.

One thing that may help you understand panic disorder symptoms are that they generally come about when you're body is high on adrenaline. For instance, you're in a nasty car accident. At moments of fear of injury. Your body will produce adrenaline that can lead to panic disorder symptoms after the initial shock has worn off.

Three Common Physical Panic Disorder Symptoms To Watch For

If your heart flutters then it may be the first symptom you notice of your panic disorder. You may have to talk in short quick bursts using shallow breaths, much like you would imagine a panic attack. You should be on the lookout for these symptoms even though they are very sever examples of a panic disorder.

One such symptom you need to be conscious of is the constant stressed feeling you get. Your body may ache in the muscles and joints. You may be prone to experience headaches.

Psychological Symptoms: What to look out for

In some cases people suffer from psychological symptoms due to a panic disorder. For instance, a person may feel isolated and depressed. Paranoia, hallucinations and a feeling of being separate from the real world can all be brought on by panic disorders.

There are many other symptoms people should be aware of. In fact, the list is rather long so it's imperative that you learn about each one. Even from the few examples we have seen here it is possible to see how much they vary even though they are part of the same condition.

People can get overwhelmed by panic disorder symptoms because they tend to begin by surprise. But if you are careful to study each one it is possible to learn to deal with them both effectively and efficiently.

Breathing properly and relaxing is possibly the best strategy to deal with panic disorders. You can beat a panic disorder, you really can. The alternative if to continue to have the symptoms effect your daily life forever. - 30437

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Four Critical Techniques On How To Control Anxiety Not Using Medication

By Pat McClarens

Every life has some element of stress in it. Whether it's at work or at home stress is still stress. Most of us can deal with stress very well. For them there is no major problem in dealing with stress. Without any great difficulty these people deal with stress.

But there are some people who have no idea how to cope with stress. A variety of physical and psychological effects can result from this. To solve their stressful situation some people turn to drugs and alcohol. After turning to medication some people later become addicted to them.

Hope exists. Medication is not the only way to handle with anxiety. There are methods of dealing with everyday anxiety. All you need to do is implore the use of stress and anxiety management strategies. So how to deal with anxiety without medication?

How To Deal With Stress Without Medication: Steps To Take

Step 1 - Recognize Your Stressor

Acknowledging what causes you stress in the first pace is a vital first step to dealing with anxiety without drugs. Is there are a particular situation or person that's causing your anxiety problem? The you then have to learn to avoid these stressors as best as possible. If so, then do it as often as you can.

Step 2 - Breaking Away and Getting Handle on Yourself

The second step on how to deal with anxiety without medication that you should follow includes taking a break from the stressor and getting a handle on the situation and yourself. After that, come back to the issue with a fresh perspective.

Step 3 - Change How You React

A third step on how to deal with stress encourages you to change how you would react to the stressor. For instance, determine what is most important and focus on one thing and one thing only. Try joining a support group or confiding in someone you can trust. It is important to share your issue with someone who appreciates it.

Step 4 - Letting the Stress Go

Finding a way to let go of the stress before it builds is the next step to handling with it without medication. This is not accomplished overnight and will take practice but it can be done.

Other Ways to Deal With Anxiety and Stress

There are other ways to deal with stress besides the ones above. What are these other methods? Some examples are:

- Focus on something that is not stressful - Meditation - Listening to music - Reading - Exercise - Journaling

Still want to know how to deal with anxiety without medication? Consider being healthier. Get a full night's sleep and take in some regular exercise. You can also give yourself the strength to deal with stress by eating more fruits and vegetables.

Keeping a positive outlook on life as best you can is the main focus of dealing with stress without a medication. Of course if, even for a moment, you fear stress might be too much for you to deal with alone then you must go to see a licensed therapist. A therapist can then evaluate if you need medication. - 30437

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