High anxiety and panic attacks often go hand in hand with each other. The biggest reason the person is suffering from anxiety and panic attacks is that they haven't resolved a past conflict, which masked itself into a physical condition. Another reason for panic attacks is that the person is unable to deal with the stressors in their life. Without the necessary skills to deal with stressors it is not surprising they are not able to cope.
Panic attacks can be dealt with suing many methods. However, it's going to take learning how to stop panic attacks to actually stop them. If you don't know how to stop panic attacks and decide to forgo treatment, you will not make your life work. So how to stop panic attacks so that you can start living again?
How To Stop Panic Attacks With Four Ways
Chances are that anyone who has bad panic attacks wants to know how to stop them. Actually, there are four ways you can do this.
Stop Panic Attacks Treatment 1 - Counseling
One of the best ideas when looking into ways of stopping panic attacks is to consult a therapist. A psychologist will ask you questions in order to determine the underlining cause of your panic attacks. What could a therapist examine to find a root cause for panic attacks?
By examining your childhood a psychologist will look for a fear or early childhood phobia. An example would be a fear of closed spaces. A therapist will also ask about life specifics, both good and bad. A therapist can uncover phobias this way, for example you may remember being locked in a closet or small space for a long time. This could be a significant reason behind your fear of enclosed spaces such as a small room or elevator.
Next you may find that stressful situations like work and a death in the family causes you panic attacks.
Before you can deal with panic attacks the root cause for them must be found and acknowledged.
Stop Panic Attacks Treatment 2 - Finding Ways To Cope
After a while a therapist ill suggest treatments for dealing with panic attacks in your daily life. Your therapist will suggest several ways including breathing deep. When you breathe deep, your body begins to feel relaxed which allows the oxygen to flow through your body and mind. By steadying their heart beat and increasing their calm deep breathing helps to regulate panic attacks.
Stop Panic Attacks Treatment 3 - Grounding The Attack
Besides the two methods above you may want to try grounding a panic attack. How do you do this? Simply put you can drink a glass of cold water or hold an ice cube.
Stop Panic Attacks Treatment 4 - Focus On Objects
When you're having a panic attack, try to focus on things around you and say them each one aloud. You can help yourself stop a panic attack by changing your focus this way. - 30437
About the Author:
For more information on cure anxiety panic attacks, Anxiety, Panic Attacks and related mood disorder issues visit Anxiety Panic Resources - get our free Downloadable 40-Part Video and MP3 Audio Mini Course.